Blades for window scraper

Catalogue index: 110 006

5 pcs
  • Availability: Out of stock
  • Delivery: from PLN16.11 (GLS (PL))
  • Package weight [kg]:
    • 0.02
PLN4.29 gross / opak. PLN3.49 net + 23% VAT / opak.

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Szerokość: 4 cm

Cost of delivery

GLS (DE) : from PLN58.55
Odbiór osobisty : from PLN0.00
GLS(AT) : from PLN49.15
GLS (PL) : from PLN16.11
GLS (CZ) : from PLN43.79
GLS (BE) : from PLN67.00
GLS (HR) : from PLN85.00
GLS (NL) : from PLN69.74
GLS (FR) : from PLN87.00
GLS (IE) : from PLN160.52
GLS (LT) : from PLN65.31
GLS (LV) : from PLN78.35
GLS (HU) : from PLN60.30
GLS (SE) : from PLN97.30
GLS(FI) : from PLN128.25
GLS (ES) only continent : from PLN126.60
GLS (SK) : from PLN52.03

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